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Driving the change with car sharing, including money saving and social connection of car sharing

Car Sharing

Liftshare network is FREE and easy to sign up to their website to find locals to car share with.

Liftshare members save over £1,000 on average every year.

You will save money on fuel, maintenance, and parking, helping you to navigate through the current cost of living challenges.

Eco-Friendly Travel: By sharing car rides, we reduce the number of cars on the road, cutting down carbon emissions and contributing to a greener earth.

Community Connection: Socialise your commute and join a community of like-minded individuals who believe in sustainable living. Make new friends and create a positive impact on your community. Car sharing is more than just splitting the cost of travel with each other, it is a social commute, rather than a solo commute.

Hear from one of Lifshares members John. “I’ve saved around £1500 in 6 months, and often four of us use one car for the usual daily 50-mile trip. Definite friendship has occurred which wouldn’t have happened without Liftshare”.

Read more of Liftshares success stories and sign up today and start your money saving success story like John.

We practice what we preach at Smarter Travel. Hear from our Smarter Travel employees who successfully lift share together.

Hear from our Travel Plan Coordinator Elizabeth Evans MA who talks about her experience with car sharing.

“I enjoy car sharing to work. I am not a morning person and thought I would find socialising before 08:00am tiresome, but actually it sets me up for the day, good music puts me in a positive mood and the journey allows me to catch up with colleagues outside of work. Not only do we all save money by splitting the cost of fuel each month, but it guarantees a parking space at the office and is much more reliable than rural buses. I feel comfortable car sharing with colleagues because we are familiar, I know where we are travelling to/from and I feel safe in their company. We make it clear to the wider team what days we are car sharing on and if one of us needs to be flexible with our working pattern due to an appointment or event outside of work, we just let management know and agree to make up the time.”

Hear from Oliver Shaw engineering apprentice at Richard Jackson. Oliver currently car shares with Elizabeth at Richard Jackson Smarter Travel.

“I would say car sharing is my most favourable way of traveling to work in comparison to other sustainable modes of travel and including driving alone.

My commute from North Walsham to Norwich typically takes about 45 minutes and I make this journey 5 days a week. I car share at least twice a week, once as a passenger and once as a driver, which allows me to save the cost of one of my journeys to work a week, at about £5, resulting in a total saving of about £230 a year.

I mainly share the journey with one of my friends from North Walsham, who is located along the route. Although I have to divert my usual route to work (making it 10 minutes longer) for my friend’s place of work, it allows extra time in the morning for a catch-up chat and relaxes me for the day.

On some days I also share my commute with a colleague, who is located on the way to work, and this means that we can discuss ideas about work on the way which gets us in the mindset for a productive day.”

In Conclusion: Car sharing is an efficient, easy way to save money, and enjoy your commute.

Together, we can make a difference!  Let’s drive change.

Find more information and Sign up now at

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Every Step You Take…

Child walking to school

Here at Smarter Travel, we want to celebrate International Walk to School Month! It’s a time to unite families in hand and in heart, which is why we’re highlighting some of the amazing health benefits of walking (and cycling):

1. Healthy Heart

Walking for 2.5 hours per week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems by 31% (try walking for 30 minutes on your lunch break!)

2. Keep Fit

Walking and cycling helps you maintain a healthy body and mind, can be tailored to your level of fitness and intensity so you can go at your own pace.

3. Stress-Less

Moving around can make you feel less stressed, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Just 20-minutes a day is proven to increase brain function, so make sure to take a break during the day to reset! It’s like a natural mood booster!

4. Strong Bones

Walking is gentle on your joints and can help if you ever have achy knees or hips. Maintaining an active routine helps to alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis and other bone ailments. Biking can increase the bone density in your legs, hips and spine, therefore making them stronger, so it’s like giving your bones a workout!

5. Live Longer

A study by “The Lancet” found that people who walked or cycled for 2.5 hours per week reduced the risk of premature mortality by 22% – worth a shot right?! Regular physical activity helps to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes and types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer.

Unlike the gym, walking is completely free and gets you from A to B! Check out the likes of Sustrans, Living Streets and Cycling UK to find local walking and cycling groups, log your physical activities on apps like Strava to monitor your progress and keep you accountable!

Walking and cycling are the smarter ways to travel and we encourage you to do so whenever possible. Click here to complete the Boyton Place Travel Survey and redeem either a £100 active travel voucher OR a £100 cycle voucher for Aero Cycles, based in Haverhill.